X flyball: powered by Paco Collars



Southland Staffy's Lollipop TFP-II FDX SDR

17 year old Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Born January 1, 2007

Also known as: Lolli

Owner/Handler: Kevin Lawson

U-FLI jump height: 8"


As unbelievable as it seems today, when Lolli first started flyball, she was an extremely shy and quiet dog. Flyball completely changed her! Lolli will run in any position and can always be found somewhere close to Kevin. She is an expert at popping tennis balls and has been known to get the ball stuck on one of her canine teeth on the way back from the box.

Lolli is one of our most valuable puppy trainers. She is small and loud, exudes tons of energy, but never even looks at the other lane. Lolli's presence in the lanes has been a huge challenge for many of our young dogs to learn to overcome.

Lolli retired from flyball in early 2017 so that she could focus full-time on reigning supreme on her beach hikes.

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